Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sherpin Williams

Ok, so as some of you may know I did an internship for Sherwin Williams the summer before I graduated from MSU. I was grateful for the opportunity at the time but knew immediately upon starting that the world of paint store management was not for me. While there, my manager named Chad pretty much taught me the ropes from day one. He was a nice guy and pretty easy to work for. One important thing about working at a paint store is how you answer the phone. I learned on my first day that anytime you answer the phone you would say... "Thank you for calling Sherwin Williams, this is (insert name here), how can I help you?". The only problem was, whenever Chad answered the phone for some reason instead of saying Sherwin Williams, he would say Sherpin Williams. It would crack me up. So forever more, Sherwin Williams will be Sherpin Williams.

Thats totally beside the point and not the main reason for posting this. My main point is that I am wondering if I am the only one out there who finds something wrong with the Sherpin Williams logo?? I mean, 20+ years ago, yeah, I can see no problem back then covering Mother Earth in a bucket of blood red paint. But to continue to have that logo plastered on all products, stores, etc... nowadays, in the "Green" society that we are creating, for such an image to persist is almost insane. Dont get me wrong, I am no "Mr. Recycling" by any means, but even I in my evil non-green way I live see something completely wrong with this. I just had to get that off my chest, so thanks for reading. Let me know what you think.

PS- Thanks again Sherpin Williams for the internship, it helped me get the job that I have today. : )



Kage said...

I never realized this was the logo. huh. The only thing I like about it, is it's vintage look.

The Kennedys said...

Pretty scary...I think you could replace Sherwin Williams with al-queda and it would be about the same. Or Cobra.

bethy said...

Hilarious. You would think an update would be in the woorks. At least make the paint green like you said or some neutral color.