Friday, July 17, 2009

Do you want to be happy?

So, last night I was giving the girls their bath, which is normally my nightly duty. Lately they have been getting a little crazy. We do them both in our big tub, which is awesome since its like a swimming pool to them. They play off each others energy the whole time. Daphne barely sits down during bath time so I am always worried she will fall and crack her head or fall and go under water. I swear for the last month she has gone underwater at least once every night. Needless to say, with all the splashing, drowning, screaming, and craziness, it is somewhat stressful at times. Last night was one of those times, and so I got so fed up that I pulled them both out and was semi roughly drying them off due to my frustration. Violet sensed how I was feeling due to my actions and said "Do you want to be happy daddy?" Ouch. She totally called me out. But yeah, shes right, do I want to be happy? Of course. What takes away from happiness? Letting the little things get to you when they are of no significance. Who am I to stop my girls from having fun with each other? Whats a little water on the floor or on me? Who cares, its just stuff. But to enjoy my girls and all the sweet, crazy fun they are is what makes me happy. So theres a little life perspective provided by my awesome almost 3 year old daughter.

So I pose the same question to you, "Do you want to be happy?"



Lisa and Doug said...

I thought I had already posted a comment but it doesn't show so I will try again. Leave it to Violet to figure things out. Yes, I want to be happy!

DTA said...

Yes, oh yes, Oh yes, I want to be happy!

bethy said...

Whenever I get mad at a stupid driver or raise my voice for anything Riley is always really quite and then usually says "You happy Mama?" Then I have to explain why i was upset in the first place and I usually realize it was stupid in the first place.

maryp said...

Why are kids so much smarter than us???

The Kennedys said...

That is funny. In our house the question is "Do you want to have a smiley face day or a frown day?". This came because one day I got angry at Madsie and when I went upstairs she was drawing a sad face with a frown on her drawing pad...sad but true.