This post is totally late for Mothers Day, but I will post it anyways since some of these things I have been meaning to write down somewhere sometime, so here goes.
I dont know about you, but randomly in my life I get these like deja vu feelings that hit me. They come at the most random times, but when they come its because in that moment I am experiencing something that reminds me of times long past and memories almost forgotten. Like there have been moments where I am outside and there is some kind of nature smell in the air and it totally transports me back to a town or a street or a house that I visited when I served my mission in Mexico. Thats just an example of what I am talking about. Well, every now and then I get a memory about something I experienced when I was a kid that was totally a pleasant time. In honor of my Mom, these are some of the memories that I have of her growing up.
My first memory revolves around toast. I totally have this memory of getting off the bus from Kindergarten, coming inside the house and my Mom having some toast ready for me to eat. Now this is not just any ordinary toast mind you. This toast was made with Pepperidge Farm super thin slices of bread. I mean, these slices were so thin the toast would get so crunchy and delicious. My Mom would load on the butter and let me sit on her lap while I ate my toast. My Mom holding me, and eating that toast made for the most comfortable, secure environment a kid could ever ask for.
My second memory revolves around a grocery store. My Mom would always get our child support from my Dad on Friday nights. Whenever she would get that money, the next day she would go shopping at Meijer. She would always go really early in the morning on Saturday so that when everyone woke up there would be a new supply of cereal, cookies, chips, and maybe even a coffee cake or some donuts. Every Friday night my Mom would ask who would want to go to the store the next morning, and for a while, I was the only one who wanted to go. I dont know how old I was, but it was definitely pre-sleeping in years. I loved those trips with my Mom. Just me and her going through the aisles. She would always let me get one treat just for me because I came with her. I remember Meijer had just come out with this Fresh Orange Juice machine that would squeeze out the juice right in front of you. I always liked to get my own individual thing of orange juice from that machine. I remember thinking when we unloaded the grocerys to take into the house that I wanted to be strong for my Mom so I would like grab as many bags as I could and hang then off of my fingers and stuff just to get as many as I could. I still do that to this day. I cant stand making more than one trip to the car for grocerys. Unfortunately I got to the point where I stopped wanting to get up early and go with her. I have always wondered if that made her sad. I would give anything to go back in time and continue to go with my Mom on those trips.
My final memory for this post revolves around a crowded bed. Now this may sound crazy, but we were all little so its not as crazy as it sounds. I am sure you can all identify with the amazing comfort that as a kid you find in your parents bed. Violet is the same way with us. She can fall asleep in an instant in our bed. I remember that feeling which is why sometimes I dont mind it so much that she comes in our bed. Anyways, for some reason, there was a time where in my Moms bed it was her and my two sisters with their heads at the head of the bed and me sleeping at everyones feet. I cant remember how long that arrangement lasted, but I will never forget that feeling of security, happiness, and peace that I had sleeping at the foot of my Moms bed.
There are too many memories to capture in this one post so that is just a sampling. Hopefully you wont think I am nuts for posting this stuff. I am actually posting it more for my own benefit than I am for any other reason. I dont want to forget this stuff.
Thanks for reading if you read this.